Invitado Guest Publicado 23 de Agosto del 2016 Compartir Publicado 23 de Agosto del 2016 A continuación os dejo el "Startup checklist", y otros procedimientos del A-10C , lo más realista posible: A-10C STARTUP CHECKLIST V. 2.0 LAUNCH COCKPIT SETUP (En esta fase nos aseguramos de que todos los controles de los paneles de la cabina están desconectados o en modo NORMAL. Como al entrar en cabina, por defecto, todo está desconectado o en su posición "normal", voy a marcar las opciones que tocamos en negrita, para resaltar lo que vamos modificando conforme vamos repasando las consolas. He marcado, líneas más abajo, con la frase "FIN marcas en negrita.", para que sepáis hasta dónde llega las comprobaciones estándar de la cabina. A partir de ahí (líneas más abajo) ya se indica todo lo que debemos tocar para el correcto arranque de los sistemas y motores.). En esta fase entra las secciones: LEFT CONSOLE, INSTRUMENT PANEL y RIGHT CONSOLE). LEFT CONSOLE 1. Armament/ground safety override switch - SAFE (guard down). 2. EGI HQ TOD switch - As required. 3. IFF antenna - BOTH 4. CCTVS/DVADR remote control panel (left canopy bow) - OFF. 5. KY-58 – OFF/Set 6. Intercom controls - Set. 7. VHF/FM controls - OFF/Set. 8. UHF controls - OFF. 9. VHF/AM controls - OFF/Set. 10. Radar altimeter - NRM. 11. Emergency flight controls - Set. a. Flap Emergency retract switch - Unmarked, aft position. b. Flight control mode switch - NORM c. Aileron emergency disengage switch - Center position d. Elevator emergency disengage switch - Center position e. Speed brake emergency retract switch - Unmarked, aft position f. Pitch/roll trim override switch - NORM 12. HARS/SAS override switch - NORM. 13. Refuel status and indexer light control - Set. 14. NVIS lights switch - OFF. 15. Throttle master exterior light control switch - AFT. 16. Throttles - OFF. 17. Flap lever - Set to flap position. 18. Speed brake control - Set to center (HOLD) position if speed brakes are open; set to closed position if speed brakes are closed. 19. APU switch - OFF. 20. Engine operate switches - NORM. 21. Engine fuel flow switches - NORM. 22. Fuel system controls - Set. a. Boost Pumps Main switches - MAIN b. Boost Pumps Wing switches - WING 23. Emergency brake handle - Push IN (if starting left engine first); pull OUT (if starting right engine first). INSTRUMENT PANEL 1. Landing gear handle - DOWN. 2. Landing/taxi light switch - OFF. 3. Armament HUD control panel - Set: a. MASTER armament switch - SAFE. b. GUN/PAC armament switch - SAFE. c. LASER armament switch - SAFE. d. TGP - OFF. e. ALT SCE - As desired. f. HUD mode switch - As desired. g. CICU - OFF. h. JTRS - OFF. i. IFFCC switch - OFF. 4. MFCD (L/R) - OFF. 5. Standby attitude indicator - CAGE. 6. Accelerometer - Reset. 7. Fire handles - In. 8. Fire extinguisher discharge switch - Center position. 9. Standby compass - Check. 10. Auxiliary landing gear extension handle - In. 11. Circuit breakers - Check closed. RIGHT CONSOLE 1. Electrical power controls - Set. a. EMER FLOOD - As required b. AC GEN (two switches L & R) to PWR. 2. CMSP: a. Mode switch - OFF. b. System switches - OFF. 3. ILS controls - OFF/Set. 4. AAP: a. CDU switch - OFF. b. EGI switch - OFF. c. PAGE knob - OTHER. d. STEER PT knob - MISSION. 5. Oxygen system - Check 6. Environmental Controls – Set. 7. Bleed Air switch- BLEED AIR 8. Main air supply switch - SUPPLY 9. TACAN controls - OFF/set. 10. Exterior Lighting - Set. 11. Position light switch – STEADY 12. Formation Lights – ON (night ops only) 13. Interior Lighting - Set. 14. 10. HARS controls - Set. FIN marcas en negrita. PRIOR TO ENGINE START 1. Battery switch - PWR. 2. Inverter switch - STBY. 3. Signal lights - Test 4. Fire detect/bleed air leak test button - Depress. 5. Gear lights - Check (three green, no red). 6. Clock - Set. 7. Fuel quantity - Check. 8. Fuel Test - Depress. 9. Oxygen quantity - Check. 10. SUPPLY lever - ON A. OXY LOW caution light - OFF. B. OXY IND TEST button - Depress. (OXY LOW caution light comes on at 0.5 liter.). 11. APU switch - START (or signal for external air). 12. L-FUEL PRESS light - Check off. 13. APU generator switch - PWR. (When APU is 100%). 14. AAP (Auxiliary avionics pannel): a. CDU switch - ON. b. EGI switch - ON. 15. CDU - Set for desired alignment. 16. VHF/AM - TR. a. Frequency - verified, Set as req. 17. UHF controls – ON/Set. 18. VHF/FM - TR. a. Frequency - verified, Set as req. 19. Seat - Adjust. 20. Aux. ADI - UNCAGE. 21. AHCP CICU switch - ON 22. AHCP JTRS switch - ON - As required. 23. AHCP IFFCC switch - TEST. Press ENT button, in UFC. 24. IFFCC data - Verify/Enter 25. AHCP IFFCC Switch - ON. When test is finished. 26. MFCD (L/R) - As required. (Day or night mode). a. MFCD (Load Page displayed) - Load data. Select LOAD ALL. 27. TGP switch - ON - As required. 28. MFCD left - CDU repeater. a. Config. Profiles, weapons b. NET options (TAD). 29. MFCD Right - CDU repeater. a. Wind configuración (LASTE, in System CDU menu). 30. After EGI INS alignment is complete: CDU - ALIGN Page - Depress NAV LSK. 31. Nav Mode Select Panel (NMSP) - EGI and STR PT, ANCHR, or TACAN. As required. 32. MFCD Right- CDU: a. CHECK and config. Waypoints and Flight plan. 33. AAP: a. STEER PT knob - FLT plan. b. Page knob – STEER. STARTING ENGINES A. Position lights - FLASH; Anti collision - ON. 1. Left engine - Start. 2. Engine operate switch - NORMAL (if used for motoring). A. MASTER CAUTION - PRESS to OFF. 3. Left engine instruments & Hyd Pressure - Check. 4. Flight controls - Check. 5. Right engine - Start. Repeat Step 1 thru Step 3 for right engine. 6. Right engine instruments & Hyd Pressure - Check 7. AC generators - Check. 8. Instrument inverter - Check. NOTE Normal brakes will be available if the left engine is started first. Should the right engine be started first, pull the EMER BRAKE handle. If the right engine must be started first, without AC power available, select CROSSFEED to provide positive fuel pressure. 9. APU GEN - OFF; APU - OFF. 10. a. Rapidly move throttles (one at a time) from IDLE to MAX then with hard chop motion back to IDLE (IDLE-MAX-IDLE in 2 seconds or less) NOTE When throttle is moved from IDLE-MAX-IDLE in 2 seconds or less, core RPM will not exceed 70% b. Stabilize at IDLE for 10 seconds with throttle against IDLE stop. 11. Flight controls - CHECK. (move stick and rudder). 12. Flaps - CYCLE (full extend, and set to 7 degrees for take off ). CHECK Hidraulics gauges. 13. Speedbrakes - CHECK (full extend, and retract ). CHECK Hidraulics gauges. BEFORE TAXI 1. Antiskid - ON. 2. Taxi light - ON (Switch down) 3. Crossfeed - OFF. 4. Emergency brake handle - Full forward. 5. SAS - Test. a. SAS - Engage. Pitch and Yaw Switches. B. Takeoff trim button - Depress. (T/O TRIM light illuminates). 6. EAC switch - ENGAGE. 7. Seat jettison - ARMED (down). 8. Warning panel - CHECK ALL OFF. 9. CMSP - Set: a. Jettison switch - Aft (off). b. Mode switch - STBY. c. Subsystem switches - As required. 10. Pitot heat - Check (Turn ON and Off). 11. TACAN mode selector anda channel switch – SET. As required. A. TACAN - Test. 12. ILS frequency knob – SET. 13. Altimeter - SET. 14. Chocks - Removed. 15. Engage Steering - ON (CHECK light). 16. Canopy - Closed and locked ("unlocked canopy" light - off). 17. If You are ready to Taxi: a. Position lights - STEADY. b. Radio call to Leadder or Tower. TAXI 1. Brakes - Check. Little Throttles forward, checks both L and R brakes for proper operation. 2. Turn needle - Check. 3. Throttles - As required. CAUTION Maximum gross weight for taxiing is 46,000 lb. Maximum Taxi speed: 20 kn (knots). 1 nudo (milla náutica por hora) = 1,852 km/h. During turns while taxiing near 46,000 lb gross weight, reduce taxi speed and widen turn radius to avoid damage to the nose wheel and/or strut assembly. Use approximately five knots as a guide for speed during wide turns. If a sharp turn is required, further reduce taxi speed to minimum practical, approximately three knots or normal walking pace. BEFORE TAKEOFF 1. Engine instruments - Check. 2. Flaps - Set for takeoff. (7%) 3. Speed brakes - CLOSED. 4. Takeoff trim - Check. 5. CMS - As required. 6. TACAN - Set. 7. NMSP - As desired. 8. Oxygen regulator - As required. 9. Ejection seat ground safety lever - ARMED. 10. Exterior lights - As required. a. Position Lights – STEADY b. Anti-Collision Light – FLASH 11 Formation Lights – ON (night ops only) 12. HUD - Indicated airspeed display. 13. NVGs - Adjust and (if applicable) stow. LINEUP CHECK 1. Flight instruments - Check. 2. Anti-skid switch - ANTI-SKID. 3. Pitot heat switch - PITOT HEAT. 4. APU generator switch - OFF/RESET. 5. APU switch - OFF. 6. Throttles - 90% core rpm. 7. Engine instruments - Check. 8. Warning and caution lights - OFF. TAKEOFF 1. Nosewheel steering - As desired. 2. Brakes - Release. 3. Throttles - MAX. 4. Engine instruments - Check. 5. Nosewheel steering - disconnect when reach 70 kn. AIRBORNE 1. Gear Handle - Raise Handle (when variometer or VVI is possitive) - light off. 2. Flaps - UP (when reach 170 kn). 3. Engine - Gauges in Green. 4. Trim - As Required. 5. Radio - Call Airborne. 6. MFCD - Cycle, As Required. 7. Radio - Channel - As Required. 8. Wingman - Set Formation & Route. 9. Altimeter – Set ========================== INITIAL APPROACH 1. ILS PWR control knob - ON. a. ILS Frequency - Set. 2. TACAN mode selector switch - ON. a. TACAN Frequency - Set. 3. Radio ATC - Call Inbound. 4. HUD - Ensure in NAV mode. 5. Fuel - Check Quantity. 6. Radio Flight - Notify FLT you are on initial final approach 7. At IAF - follow ATC guidance unless Visual Approach DESCENT/BEFORE LANDING 1. Altimeter - Check. 2. EGI/HARS - Compare. 3. Canopy defog control - As required. 4. Windshield defog/deice switch - As required. 5. Speed brakes - As required. 6. Anti-skid switch - ANTI-SKID. 7. NVIS lights switch - As required. 8. Landing lights - As required. 9. Fuel quantity - Check. 10. HUD - Indicated airspeed. 11. NVGs - Remove and stow (as required). 12. Gear Handle – DOWN. AFTER LANDING After Touchdown. 1. Throttles - As required. 2. Speed brakes - As required. 3. Wheel brakes - As required. 4. Nosewheel steering - As required After Clearing the Active Runway. 5. Anti-skid switch - OFF. 6. Ejection seat ground safety lever - SAFE. 7. Canopy - As desired. 8. CCTVS/DVADR remote control panel - OFF. 9. TACAN/ILS equipment - OFF. 10. IFFCC BIT fault display - Record. 11. MFCD - Select STAT Page - check/record MFLs. 12. HUD night/day filter - Day. 13. Landing taxi lights - As required. 14. CMSP MODE switch - STBY. 15. CMSP system switches - OFF. 16. CMSP - OFF. 17. Windshield DEFOG/DEICE switch - OFF. 18. Pitot heat - OFF. 19. Position lights - Flash. 20. Anti-collision lights - OFF. 21. Flaps - FULL UP. ENGINE SHUTDOWN 1. Brakes - Hold until chocks are installed. 2. Standby attitude indicator - CAGE. 3. Armament HUD control panel - Set: a. MASTER armament switch - SAFE. b. GUN/PAC armament switch - SAFE. c. LASER armament switch - SAFE. d. TGP - OFF. e. ALT SCE - As desired. f. HUD mode switch - As desired. g. CICU - OFF. h. JTRS - OFF. i. IFFCC switch - OFF. 4. MFCD (L/R) - OFF. 5. AAP: a. EGI switch - OFF. b. CDU switch - OFF. 6. TISL - OFF. 7. Seat - Full up. 8. Left throttle - OFF after 5 minutes at IDLE. Taxi time may be included if core rpm does not exceed 80%. 9. Flight controls - Check after left hydraulic pressure bleed off. 10. Right throttle - OFF. 11. Inverter switch - OFF. 12. Battery switch - OFF. 13. Communications equipment - OFF. 14. Oxygen Supply lever - OFF. 15. Deploy boarding ladder. ******************************************* * AIR-TO-AIR REFUELING * Hot Armament Safety Check (In Flight). 1. AHCP MASTER armament switch - SAFE. 2. AHCP GUN/PAC armament switch - SAFE. 3. MFCD - DSMS Missile Page - EO PWR - OFF. 4. AHCP - LASER armament switch - SAFE. 5. MFCD – DSMS Weapon Status Page -DESELECT all applicable stations. Precontact. 1. Internal fuel quantity - CHECK. 2. TACAN - OFF. 3. CMSP - STBY. 4. Refueling light rheostats - ON. 5. Exterior lights - AS REQUIRED. 6. INT monitor switch - AS REQUIRED. 7. HM switch - AS REQUIRED. 8. Signal amplifier switch - NORM. 9. Fill disable switches - AS REQUIRED. 10. Air refuel control - OPEN. 11. READY light - ON. Contact. 1. READY light - OFF. 2. LATCHED light - ON. Disconnect. 1. Air refuel disconnect/reset (Nosewheel Steering button) – DEPRESS AND HOLD. 2. DISCONNECT light - ON. Post Air Refueling. 1. Air refuel control - CLOSED. 2. READY light - ON (approx. 3 minutes). 3. Fuel quantity - CHECK. 4. INT monitor switch - AS REQUIRED. 5. HM switch - AS REQUIRED. 6. TACAN - AS REQUIRED. 7. Exterior Lights - AS REQUIRED. * HOT REFUELING * Prior to Hot Pit Entry. 1. AFTER LANDING checklist - Complete. 2. De-arming - Complete (if required). 3. APU generator/APU - OFF. 4. TGP - OFF. Prior to Refueling. 1. Canopy - As desired. 2. Fuel display selector - MAIN. 3. Tank gate switch - Closed, verify with refueling supervisor. 4. Fuel system operation - Verify with refueling supervisor. During Refueling. 1. Fuel display – Monitor. After Refueling. 1. Fuel quantity - Check. 2. Taxi clear of refueling area and configure aircraft as required by mission plan. Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Moderador Ares121 Publicado 23 de Agosto del 2016 Moderador Compartir Publicado 23 de Agosto del 2016 Estupendo, gracias Inter Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Invitado Tiger88ML Publicado 23 de Agosto del 2016 Compartir Publicado 23 de Agosto del 2016 :rock: :rock: Cojonudo Jefe! :rock: :rock: Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Invitado ranyer66 Publicado 4 de Diciembre del 2016 Compartir Publicado 4 de Diciembre del 2016 Grandioso,me vine de perlas ya que soy nuevo y estoy un poco perdido el el arranque de este magnifico avión,gracias por tu agradece y mucho Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Invitado Guest Publicado 24 de Febrero del 2017 Compartir Publicado 24 de Febrero del 2017 Gracias ranyer66. Aprovecho para comunicaros que he actualizado el procedimiento de arranque, para afinarlo aún más, ya que la configuración de los sistemas se suele hacer antes incluso de arrancar los motores. Saludos. Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Administrador stratojet Publicado 24 de Febrero del 2017 Administrador Compartir Publicado 24 de Febrero del 2017 Gracias Inter... bueno, ahora ya no tenemos escusa para aprender a volar el A10C los que todavía no lo hemos hecho. :-) Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Invitado Guest Publicado 27 de Febrero del 2017 Compartir Publicado 27 de Febrero del 2017 Acabo de realizar cambios importantes en la checklist, haciendo correcciones y priorizando sistemas antes del arranque de motores. ;) Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Invitado Guest Publicado 11 de Octubre del 2017 Compartir Publicado 11 de Octubre del 2017 El checklist lo he revisado, y he añadido cosas nuevas, para ayudar a los que están empezando con el A-10C, y los que llevamos algún tiempo, tener la lista para repasar. Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Administrador stratojet Publicado 11 de Octubre del 2017 Administrador Compartir Publicado 11 de Octubre del 2017 Gran trabajo Inter. Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
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