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Nuevo Tacview 1.6.0 (ya ha salido de la beta)


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Pues eso... Tacview 1.6.0 ya ha salido de la beta y pasa a ser final release con los siguientes cambios (la mayoría presentes en las anteriores betas):




- Real-time telemetry for DCS World, FSX, Prepar3D, and X-Plane

- Instructor Remote Control to assist trainee pilots

- Added support for iLevil csv files

- Dynamic adjustment of the export frequency to increase accuracy of important objects like player aircraft

- Added an optional 5 minutes playback delay for DCS World exporter

- Integrated Ostsee 3.2.6 theater for Falcon 4.0

- Integrated Pillars of Hercules theater U2 for Falcon 4.0

- Integrated Israel 1.0.3 terrain and database for BMS 4.33 U3

- Trail size can now be defined more accurately and is explicitly displayed in a tooltip

- Added attitude (roll and pitch) charts to analyze pilot induced oscillations

- Added CAS to charts

- Added an additional larger auto scale option

- Added an option to choose the compression level for DCS World recorder

- By default, debug level events are not displayed anymore in the console, use /debug:on to show them




- Fixed a crash in DCS World when returning to spectator mode

- Tacview was not properly playing back flights taking place before 1970 like WWII flights

- X-Plane Real-time object teleportation is now gracefully handled

- It was not possible to copy/paste a shortcut containing a bullseye

- It was not possible to select or highlight a bullseye during online debriefing

- Mirage 2000 AA missiles names were mixed up

- Charts horizontal axis graduations were not properly displayed

- ACMI files export path will be preserved when installing a new version of Tacview


Podéis descargarlo de aquí: https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AGDLH7DtuKE2gCY&cid=922951BE545B9A37&id=922951BE545B9A37%21139280&parId=922951BE545B9A37%21139279&action=locate


Felices vuelos  :avion:


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