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Belsimtek Mi-24P


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  • Miembro LF

Actualización de desarrollo del Mi-24P.


Se trabaja en el modelo de vuelo y en el modelo externo e interno. Se está creando una IA realista tanto para el piloto como para el artillero del Hind que reciba ordenes del jugador tanto para vuelo como para ataque. Además, esta ya no será la tipica IA de "todo lo ve", se le está colocando ciertos comportamientos realistas y sistema de visión para detectar blancos y otras funcionalidades.


Mi-24P update:


3D model is not at the state when we are ready to flash it to tease you yet.


We've finished modelling of hover, takeoff and general performance in the air of this helicopter.


Currently team is working on Mi-24P crew AI. Mi-24P crew AI will be available as pilot or as gunner.


We are aiming to implement control over AI functionality with help of AI GUI which will allow you to use only 4 buttons to give AI specific commands regarding:






Hover menu

Target choice


Also we are working on AI crew targets detection logic. It will not be just all-seeing AI copilot/gunner, as you can see on pics below, AI behaviour will not be simplistic and during spotting its being modelled to mimic real pilots training logic for spotting targets. Things like distance, angle and illumination will be taken into account among many others.


1st pic. Dependencies check

2nd pic. Angles scheme

3rd pic. Experimental data analysis

4th pic. Example of AI GUI for speed control






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